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Candidate Successful Interview Email Template

Send this email post-interview to successful candidates to let them know they’ve moved on to the next hiring stage. Customize this template based on how you structure your recruiting process, such as an invitation to the next round of interviews.

Candidates love it when you keep them posted on the status of their application throughout your hiring process.

The quicker you communicate, the better their experience will be with your company. Communication alone can influence whether or not they accept a job offer. 

Email template for successful candidate after interview

Subject line: Quick follow up for your interview with [Company_name

Hi [Candidate’s name],

It was a pleasure talking with you about the [job_title] position. We think that you’d be a good fit for this role, and want to let you know the next steps.

[We’d like to invite you to an interview with our CEO / VP of Marketing where you’ll have the chance to further discuss the position and ask any questions you have.]


[We’d like to send you an assignment that simulates some of the job duties. It’ll give you the chance to better understand what the position entails and showcase your skills.]

If this sounds good to you, please reply to this email and I’ll [schedule the interview / send you the assignment along with guidelines.] Also, feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

[Your name]

[Email signature]

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