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New Hire - Email Introduction to Client

Clients are an important part of your organization, so keep them in the loop when you bring on a new hire who will be working with them. Your CEO or Head of Sales could send an email to announce new employees to clients.

Send a new employee introduction email to clients to:

  • Avoid miscommunication so clients know who they will communicate with going forward
  • Share new employee’s contact details 
  • Share key skills and professional achievements to reassure clients they are working with the best
  • Help break the ice by introducing your new team members to clients prior to their first contact

Customize this email template to your company’s culture and brand voice. Make sure you include:

  • Name
  • Contact details (email and phone number)
  • Duties
  • Starting date

If there was a disruption your clients need to be aware of, explain it in a positive tone so they know going forward they will be in good hands. 

Sample email to introduce new hire to clients 

Subject Line: Meet our new [Job_title

Hi [Client’s_name],

We really value our relationship, and that’s why I’m excited to announce that [Employee’s_name] is [Company_name]’s new [Job_title].

[Mention a few things about employee’s background, skills, education, and accomplishments at previous job/educational institution.] [Share positive note to ease client’s minds when a big change occurs].

[Employee’s_name] will be responsible for your account starting on [date]. Below is their contact information if you have any questions prior to their start date. He/She/They will reach out as soon as they settle in to get acquainted. 

[Employee name, job title, email, phone number]

Best regards,

[Your name]

[Your signature]

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